Jedi nights

- Anonyme
- Sport
A short while ago, in a galaxy not that far far away …
Light Saber Fencing !!!
Singapore, every Sunday evening from 6 to 8pm, a small group of fans gathers at Gate 2 SportsHub, aside Singapore Stadium. Sport attire and water are what you need for the force to be with you. Always.
This time, no need to queue in front of a crowded theatre for hours; blue, green and red will be your colours for the night not really depending of your level of midichlorians but rather based on the light sabers with battery still available once you reach.
Suddenly, I remembered this quote from Yoda: "Do. Or do not. There is no try." A kid's dream is about to be realised. Who did not want to be Qui-Gon Jinn, or more likely Obi-wan (who survived) in this epic fight with Darth Maul?
Following the rule of the Sith Order*: Two we were. No more, no less. And, I have to say that the lack of faith my partner was showing after 10 minutes training was … disturbing. Well, for her defense, she did not grow up with Star Wars.
Welcomed with care by who would be our Jedi master for the evening, we first warmed up by moving our galactic tool in the air diagonally from top to down and down to top. A bit boring but this seemed to be the way to master the force. Then, started the footsteps. “Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee” in substance was the idea. The reality was somehow not really matching. We did more look like newbies trying to learn Madison with psychomotor difficulties (I let you picture it).
On the other side, graceful fireflies, other students, obviously more experienced than us, were already showing their full power, twirling in the coming dusk.
After two hours of sequences of action, we finally had the chance to spare. But I have to admit that my disappointment was high when we were said that touching the glove of our opponent was the only way to score a point. I understood it was the rule, but I imagined Luke skywalwer and his daddy turning around trying to defeat each other by slapping their respective hands. Bitter taste.
The grandmaster (of the event) later confessed that the rules were not yet really defined and especially not following the official league in France. What a relief!
However, whatever the rules are - for those whom the Force runs strong or not with - you can be certain that every Sunday will definitely be your chance to meet nice people, breath fresh air and make good memories -
So, in a nutshell, exactly what you are looking for, there you may or may not find; but it does not fully matter as there are multiple ways to become a guardian of peace.
As a side note, if you are interested in exploring a new philosophy of life, hereafter are "some more specific ways" to become a JedI:
- Get to know the Code. There is no emotion; there is peace. ...
- Discover the inner power. After memorizing the code, you can start training the Force powers that hide within. ...
- Dress like a Jedi. ... (probably not compulsory )
- Train to be a Jedi by practising swordsmanship
- Meditate. ...
- Read. ...
- Think positive. ...
- Develop empathy. ...
- Live a healthy life. ...
- Work on the 3 pillars of a Jedi - Force, Knowledge, and Self-discipline. ...
May the Force always be with you!
* Sith as per Wikipedia: Ancient monastic and kraterocratic organization of supernaturally gifted warriors driven by a machiavellian agenda of galactic domination and revenge against their arch-rivals, the Jedi knights.